Wednesday, September 18, 2013

New New Friends

Sunday Sept 15. Castrojeriz to Fromista

It is a bit hard to describe exactly how the alberques work, other than that it is a mix of the sexes sleeping together in rooms of 6 to 100 people, often sharing washroom facilities and showers. Depending on the facility, there are separate rooms with showers and toilets for men or women, the same rooms with separate showers and toilets , and often the same showers and toilets. So there is no room for modesty in these cases, and much of the time people are parading around in their under garments getting ready for bed, or getting up in the morning. You get used to it, and honestly, it's no big deal.

Waking up in the morning is always the same. The real early risers start around 5 am, very quietly packing their knapsack and are out the door before most are even awake. Then a few more are up and rattling bags, whispering, using their flash lights,  and that continues until their is a critical mass and the lights come on. This morning I first started waking up around 6. As I opened my eyes, there was the French lady in the bunk across from me getting dressed, but naked at the moment I opened my eyes. My first thought was, oh, guess I'm still asleep and I'm dreaming, but I could see the others so I wasn't. My second thought was "good for you". Like I said, no big deal. I will say, the years have been kind to her.

Will, Mary Lou and I left around 7:30 with Will out ahead as we planned on stopping for a coffee, which we had already had. Immediately outside the town we headed right up into the Meseta again, on a real steep and long tail. Will told us later in the day that he had looked back from halfway up the hill and could see ML's pink fluorescent skirt, and said " guess the cafe wasn't open". The walk went very easy as it was a cool day, and we made good time. 

Interesting event happened in Itero de la Vega. We wandered into a bar for a refreshment stop, and there was Will  who had arrived ten minutes or so ago. Someone at the table discovered a fanny pack left by a pilgrim. Will , who can scoot when he wants to, dashed down the trail in search of the lady who left the bag. He actually passed her the first time, but eventually reunited her with the bag, passport and all intact. And that is how we met Nick and Judy from Auburn, New York who would become part of the group. 

The last 14 km of he day actually went fairly easily, again I think because of the cool temperatures. We made our way the Estrelia  alberque, all found a place and settled in for a beer and relaxation. Nothing special, just another nice night with friends, this time having what turned out to be a most excellent Hawaiian pizza. We were careful however to be back before curfew, as the guy wo ran the place had a million rules, and enforced them all. 

It is quite difficult keeping up on the blog, and I think I will have to add a bunch  more details when I get home.

Distance travelled      25 km
Time                          6.5 hrs
Weather                     Mix of cloud and sun, cool
Distance remaining    435 km

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